Demonstrative day – CaVin project

On Tuesday 17 December the demonstration day of the CaVin project was held at “Azienda Agricola Fontana” in Castel S. Giovanni (Piacenza, Italy), a GOI project (Operational Groups for Innovation), with the aim of enhancing the grape marcs, already normally used for the production of energy from biogas, increasing their methanogen potential (methane that can be obtained) through the treatment of Contrica® Cavitation effect with BioBANG technology.

The day, organized by the CRPA (Center for Animal Production Research) from Reggio Emilia (Italy) and in collaboration with the “Cantine Riunite and Civ Group” and “Azienda agricola Fontana”, had the main objective of showing the results of the Contrica® Cavitation of BioBANG on the grape marcs.

During the event, our technicians with the mobile demonstration unit carried out various cavitation tests on the grape marc showing the final results to the people present by comparing the sample of cavitated grape marc with the original sample, in terms of particle reduction, homogenization and dynamic viscosity.

At this link you can see the laboratory results (particle size, viscosity and BMP test) conducted by the CRPA on the marc as it is and cavitated with BioBANG:

Moreover, the participants in the demonstration day could also observe a BioBANG unit installed in recirculation, in operation on the biogas plant of “Azienda Agricola Fontana” farm.

This unit was the first BioBANG installed in Italy (2014) and allowed “Azienda agricola Fontana” to:

  1. Increase the specific production of the plant from 500 kW/h to 700 kW/h without increasing the retention times of the system and optimizing the volumes of digesters.
  2. Introduce biomass with a higher fiber content (triticale, grape marc, etc …) without having complications related to the hydraulic system of the plant (difficulty in mixing, formation of surface crusts, etc …) and reducing the quantities of corn silage.
  3. Optimize the most difficult biomass gas yield by reducing their retention time and increasing their energy efficiency.